Skunk Tests Positive For Rabies In Stone Creek/Willow Oaks Area The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department received word this afternoon that a skunk found in Le...
Don’t say ‘boo’ to these Halloween safety tips! Halloween can be scary enough as is, so take steps to keep it from being even more frightening! Kids...
LFCHD to provide FREE flu shots Oct. 3 at Fayette Mall We’ll be giving free flu shots 3-7 p.m. Oct. 3 at Fayette Mall (interior entrance of Dillard’s)....
Don’t say ‘boo’ to these Halloween safety tips! Halloween can be scary enough as is, so take steps to keep it from being even more frightening! Kids...
Register now for Oct. 12 Free Flu Shot Clinic SEPT. 28, 2023: Registration is now live for the 2023 Free Flu Shot Clinic being held 3-6:30 p.m. Oc...
Flu & COVID-19 shots now available in Public Health Clinic Flu Shots Free flu shots are available for uninsured/underinsured people by same-day appoi...
COVID-19 shot update With the approval of a new COVID-19 shot and its upcoming arrival, we want to address some of the qu...
Join the Photovoice project! We are extending the deadline for you to join this project! An exciting new addition, called Photovo...
Bat found in Meadowthorpe tests positive for rabies The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department received word this afternoon that a bat found in Lexi...
Keep a watch on air quality Some parts of the United States are being impacted by wildfires in Canada. Health officials urge cau...