1140 Harry Sykes Wy
Lexington, KY 40504

Almost 14% of all Kentuckians have diabetes and another 14% have prediabetes, making the state one of the highest in the country for diabetes prevalence.
Learn how to prevent or manage diabetes! Join the Fayette County Diabetes Coalition for a FREE Diabetes Expo 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 26, at 1140 Harry Sykes Way (the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension office).
The event will feature more than 25 vendors with cooking demonstrations, Primary Care and Education services, vision screenings, Q&A with experts, free COVID-19 and flu vaccines and much more!
Admission is FREE, but there will be a prize drawing for those who pre-register by calling 859-257-5582. You can also pre-register at https://forms.office.com/g/y2vqiyq48y.