Free From Smoking
LFCHD has partnered with WEDCO to offer a Freedom from Smoking class starting in January. To better help us provide the information that you need, please take this brief survey:
What is Tobacco Cessation and Control Program?
The program's aim is to improve the public’s health by:
- Preventing youth from starting to use tobacco, e-cigarettes, or hookah
- Encouraging adults and youth to stop using all types of tobacco
- Providing accurate and current information about tobacco use, quitting smoking, e-cigarettes, and new tobacco products
- Protecting our families, friends and community from the dangers of second and thirdhand smoke
- Encouraging parents in Fayette County to choose 100% Smoke-free child care, and for child care centers to voluntarily adopt 100% smoke-free policies
- Providing education for community members, leaders, and policy makers, and working together continuously to protect the community from the hazards of tobacco use
What we offer:
Staff members are available to provide presentations to the general community, continuing education for health professionals and to coordinate tobacco education for community events. For more information about the program and its services, call (859) 288-2377.
Want to quit smoking?
We can help!
The best way to stop smoking is to get help from an established program that’s been shown to help many people quit for many years. You have a much greater chance of quitting if you take this bold step. Kentucky residents can connect with their own personal quit coach by contacting Quit Now Kentucky at 1-800-QUIT NOW.
Freedom from Smoking Classes
The health department partners with community partners to offer Freedom from Smoking sessions, which is a proven method to stop smoking created by the American Lung Association. For more information about sessions in Fayette County please call (859) 288-2377.
Displays & Props:
- What’s in a Cigarette?
- Harry’s Scary Tongue
- Clem’s Phlegm